Dating Means Buying A Lot of Condoms

Published on by Clint


If you are trying to find someone new out there on the dating scene, you know what a challenge it can be. Many of the new people that you meet will never become more than just casual acquaintances, while a few others may turn into strong friends. Perhaps one of them will actually be the proverbial soul mate that all daters are seeking.

During this quest for your life mate, you will likely find that you will have a lot of great sex with new people that you meet. Of course there is nothing wrong with that. Sex and adult relationships go hand in glove. Only a moron would have unprotected sex with a bunch of new partners, and your primary protection is the condom.

The greater majority of people are not too thrilled about using condoms. They dull the sensation quite a bit for men, and thus may also make sex less pleasurable for women as well. Using a condom would be similar to eating if you had no sense of taste at all. Much of the pleasure is gone. In this day and age of AIDS and other debilitating STDs, you would have to be crazy not to wear one.

Luckily, the variety of choices when it comes to condoms is growing at an incredible rate! It’s not just lubricated or non-lubricated any more. There are a ton of novelty condoms on the market. Ribbed or not, colored, flavored, interesting little appendages on the end – you name it, someone has dreamed up the variation already. Make sure you read the packaging before you go too crazy with any of them though – some are novelty condoms, and do not portend to prevent STIs or pregnancy. They’re just for fun. In fact, if the lights are out, you can use the glow in the dark condoms to read the wrapper. Handy!

Some of the crazier condoms that are making a push these days are really amazing. One is the “Inspiral Condom”. It is a spiral ribbed condom that is really catching on quickly. U.S. Surgeon Dr. A. Reddy, who also invented the prototype of the original female condom, came up with this innovation. The condom, when rolled onto the penis, looks like a big screw – it spirals from the tip of the cock to the base. According to the rave reviews online, it creates intense sensation in the man and woman, while creating a feel like the sheath is thinner than it actually is. And you’ll literally be getting “screwed” when you have sex with it. No longer a colloquialism!

And for those who desire more duration, there is the so called "Viagra Condom". It stimulates a longer and more protracted erection. If you have trouble maintaining and erection after you have donned a condom, this is the tool for you! Looks like my personal pack of pleasure is going to bulge with at least one more item!

So now condoms are useful for sex as well as past uses. I mean, after all, most of us marveled as kids as to how big a water balloon you could make with a condom. A whole gallon! Which is one of the main reasons why you often find them packed in a survival kit. They are not there for sex – although that might be an interesting side benefit as two people huddle for warmth on a cold night. They are in survival kits because they have many uses. Keeping things dry, holding water; use two of them as the elastics for a sling shot even.

A gallon of water! That surprised me. Especially considering that the average ejaculate a man expends during sex is one and a half teaspoons. Overkill!

Tags: Condoms, Condoms and Dating, Safe Sex, Condoms for pleasure, The Condom Conundrum, Condom fun

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