Modern Dating Advice

Published on by freedatingblog

With the breakneck pace of change in the modern electronic age, you pretty much have to adapt your ways of doing things almost monthly. Dating in the electronic age is no exception. Prior to the new millennium, a parent could actually give actionable advice to their kids as to how to go about wooing and winning a desired love interest. But nowadays, especially with social media, there are some considerations you need to make while dating new people. I have also included some tried-and-true tips for a smooth new relationship. Take this information and go forth with courage, brave daters!

EmailingHer at Her Workplace

If your sweetie has a computer at work, it is pretty easy to email her a quick little note saying that you are thinking about her and asking how her day is going. Do not forget that anything that you send to the workplace is an intrusion on her employers time that they are paying her for. Keep any communications fairly infrequent, not more than one a day, and only a paragraph or so. Email is not private, so do not include anything that might embarrass her. Talking about your sex life or wild parties is not appropriate at all. Many people think that email is as private as snail mail. It is not. It is actually the property of whoever runs the computers that the email is sitting on. In this case, the employer. They are free to read it, and if they find anything in it that they do not like, they can fire her. Many employees have found this out the hard way!

Other Dudes Posting on her Facebook Wall

No matter how inappropriate a random yahoo is on your girlfriend’s Facebook wall, don’t lose your cool. Don’t get jealous. You will know more from her actions as to what the real situation is. If they do not have a long standing fraternal relationship partly based on lewd joking and she has any sort of class, she will likely delete the post, and if it persists will un-friend the dud. If you see the guy someplace, you might want to ask him why he is diminishing her in front of her Facebook friends by making those comments. Often people making lewd comments think nothing of it, and usually do not get the fact that it makes both themselves and the targets look like they have no class.

Turn Down The Answering Machine

You can’t control who calls you. An inopportune call from your ex girlfriend could be totally misunderstood. To avoid this type of drama in your life, it is just a lot safer to leave the machine off and check messages when you are alone.

See Her Off In The Morning

Modern women are much more focused on careers than women of the past. You will likely find that several women that you have known are early risers even if staying overnight. After all, they have a big workload to maintain that is not going away just because you went on a date the night before! If she is overnighting at your place, get up with her at whatever ungodly hour that she has to and keep her company. Make her a tea. She’ll be so happy that you didn’t just lie in bed while she got up that you will likely get some sugar later that night. After she goes, you can always get some more sack time. So it is not as if you ruined your whole day for her. She will likely more than make up for it that night, if you get my drift. This is an almost foolproof nooky getter!

Use Your Smartphone Reminders

Start using that expensive smart phone that you keep in your pocket to its fullest. If you are like most guys, you are not using it at all, or just consider it a nuisance. But if you think about it, when used properly, it can keep you from getting into unexpected jams. Do not just use it for birthdays. Use it for important dates in your relationship. Your first date, your first kiss, the first time you slept together, etc. Include notes for each reminder as to what you did, what she was wearing, what you talked about, and where you went. Set up each reminder with multiple alarms so that you have time to be prepared. I usually use one week, one day and one hour reminders for just about every recurring event that I have in my phone calendar. You will be rewarded with adult fun.

Keep Your Bedding Clean

Walk into your bedroom. If you can smell anything at all, it is probably dirty. Clean it up. Wash your pillow covers and sheets every week. Clean the floors (that means more than just vacuuming the carpet). If you have carpet then get them steam cleaned. Wash the walls, clean the junk off the dressers and get crap out of the closet. Clean the dust off of everything, including windowsills, window frames, doorframes, and the dust bunnies behind your dresser and under your bed. Just do it. You might be comfortable living like a slob, but do not expect another date if you show this side to your girlfriend!

Shop With Her – At Your Local Sex Store

If you plan to pick up any merchandise at a sex shop, make sure that your girlfriend is there with you. The reason is that if the merchandise is unacceptable to her, you cannot return it. Might as well have just flushed the money down the toilet! Go for a drink to get her inhibitions loose, and then take her to the adult shop. She can pick out what she wants, and that night you can have some real fun.

Have fun out there!

If you are reading this and looking for a new relationship, check out this link:
Online Dating Sites

Tags: Online Dating, Dating Advice, Tips for Dating Women, Dating Tips, How To Make Your Woman Love You More.

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