What To Have For A Sleepover

Published on by freedatingblog

At some point when dating a woman, there comes a time when you will be sleeping over. You should never have to depend on your lady to have a kit ready for you. I mean, what kind of person would always conveniently have a bunch of stuff kicking around for a stray man to use at her house? Sorta scary in a way! On that note, you should always go on a date fully prepared for a sleep over if the opportunity presents itself. All the goodies that I list hear can easily fit into a backback or small tennis bag. This can be easily stored in the trunk of your car, and hopefully find a permanent home in her closet or under her bed at some later date. So see my example list below, tailor it to suit your needs, and make one up today, especially if you have a hot date tonight!


You never know what the floor is going to be like at a stranger’s place, especially first thing in the morning. Pick up some cheapo slippers so you have something to slip on if you have to hit the john in the middle of the night. Nothing is worse than going back to bed with cold feet.


For your own protection, and hers, these little babies are essential. But make sure you get the right size. I cursed them for years before I realized that I was bigger around than average. The regular size were downright painful to wear. Variety in type is also a good idea.  There are plenty of interesting shapes and sizes of condoms that can add some interest to your love making. These are especially good if your are not exceptionally well endowed downstairs. If your pharmacy does not stock anything more than the usual lube and non-lube varieties, then try your local sex shop. Experiment and see which ones you both like the best. Even the ones that are not short listed can be interesting to try out!


Similar in concept to the footwear, you might want to also pack a sweatsuit in your overnight bag. Likely she has no control of the temperature and most skinflint landlords turn it a lot lower at night to save money. She might only have one little blanket. Long story short, it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Otherwise, you’ll have to borrow one of her shawls.


Having fresh breath and a clean smile just makes sense. Nothing is less sexy than having a big piece of spinach stuck on your teeth. And since using someone else's toothbrush is just gross, take your own. Do not forget to buy a travel size tube of your favorite toothpaste as well. Might as well have at least some of the comforts of home.


You just cannot beat the affect that candles have on a woman. Whether you use them over a meal, to watch TV, or in the bedroom, they are a great mood setter! 

Princess Bride DVD

For some reason, this classic chick flick always gets a women in a romantic mood. Keep it in the kit and break it out when nothing is on TV and the video stores are closed. Besides, the subject matter is palatable, the story line is good, and if she likes it, then you will have your fun later!

All-Purpose Romantic Card With Gift Card Inside

This is probably the coolest idea that you ever heard of! You buy a generic romantic card that doesn’t say anything on it anywhere. It just has a pretty picture on the front. Inside, you have already taped a pre-paid $100 gift card to whatever store she likes. Now draw a big heart or something, and write in a romantic comment like, “On a day like today, I am always reminded how much I love you”. Make sure that what you write does not reference any specific day or date. Then one foggy christmas eve – well you will not likely forget Christmas, but you will likely forget the anniversary of the first day you met or something important like that. You are sure to be in the doghouse, then you remember the emergency card in your bag. You run to get it and give it to her. The crowd cheers! Tell your buddies.

Ear Plugs

No matter how pretty she is, there is a good chance that some day she will snore and keep you awake. Once again the sleepover kit comes to the rescue! Just make sure that you never use them while she is talking to you.

Blind Fold

If you have worked late and need to get some shuteye in the morning, it is almost impossible if her room gets the first light from the sun. Use the sleep mask. Of course if her bedroom does not face east, you can always do some interesting role playing with the mask.

Something To Wear The Next Day

Although it is best to also have a shirt and a pair of jeans packed,  you have to have at least a pair of underwear and socks for emergencies (unless of course you like cross dressing, in which case you have a whole closet full of clothes to chose from).

Sade CD

Often musical tastes can be different, and this is one of the things that makes the world and interesting place to live in. However, when it comes time to play something to enjoy while lovemaking, if she’s only got a bunch of Backstreet Boys albums, it can be impossible to focus. Everyone can get groovy to Sade.


It is always good to have some reading material if she has to leave you alone for a while. It removes the urge to snoop through her things. At the same time, you will look like someone who is more well rounded than if you just watched TV all the time. I’d advise against Penthouse Forum books, unless you know she’s into erotic fiction.

So, there you go. A great idea, easy to make, and invaluable.

For more advice, check out this link:

If you do not have a honey of your own yet to make a kit for, check out this link:

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